Connect Groups (small groups) exist so people can have real, unmasked, walls down, life-changing relationships with each other and do life the way we believe God intended for us to. There are Connect groups meeting almost every day of the week. All of our small groups occur at Connections Church (304 McAdenville Road, Belmont).
If you would like to be part of a Connect Group, please connect with a small group leader listed below.
Team Up
We all need a team, a family to belong to! We invite you to come and "Team Up" with us as we grow together on God's Team, where every person is an MVP. This group meets at 6:30 p.m. at church and is led by Tim and Teresa Isaacs. Please contact via email at
The Young and the Rest of Us
A group that spans all ages with and without children. This group believes strongly that fellowship and Bible study will help you grow into the man or woman God has called you to be. This group meets at the church on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Contact Justin Grindstaff:
Women's Group
This women’s group meets at church on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00. Our focus is for women of all ages to grow together and be encouraged as we study God’s Word. Contact Paula Fernandez via email at for more information.
Brillar (Spanish/English Connect Group)
Join us for our Connect Group called Brillar (shine) which meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. We will learn together the purpose of God in our life and how to share the light and life of Jesus in our community.
Kingdom Seekers
In this day and age people are all seeking something to grab a hold too. We know that person is Jesus. We will be seeking a stronger relationship with Him and each other as we meet and do life together. We will be studying the Word of God, to grow our faith and our relationships. Come and join us! Contact Joseph Montgomery at or Scott Reid at for more information.
Connections Students
Youth-aged students, grades 6-12 are welcome. This group meets at the church weekly at 6 p.m. for fellowship, games, worship, teachings, and small groups. For more info, CLICK HERE.
Rock Bottom Group
This support group is a weekly meeting for those who need assistance and support with drug and/or alcohol addiction. Men or women may join this group at any time. There is no cost to attend. Complete anonymity is observed. Contact David Carpenter: 704-524-8934.
Prayer Time
Join us each Saturday morning in the sancturary from 7:00-8:00 a.m. for a time of prayer and worship
Connections Men
Study. Outreach. Accountibility. Growth. Just a few things this group is focused on. Men ages 16 and older are welcome. This group meets the last Saturday of the month. For more info please reach out to Brooke Reinhardt at
Called to Love
The Foster Care and Adoption Support group is here to help anyone who needs information or resources pertaining to fostering or adoption. This group meets regularly on various days and times. Contact Jake & Sandi Farnham: or